11 min readSep 14, 2020

The Blueprint to your Digital Marketing Success.

Hey there!

Are you confused with so much information on the internet about digital marketing? You are not sure where to start from? Understanding all aspects seem difficult?

I totally get you, I faced the same problems as you when I started out, information overload, no proper mentorship, no experience and a lot of confusion.

Do not worry! You have landed on the right place and by the end of this article I assure, you will be absolutely clear with the marketing concepts and much more confident in your digital marketing career.

If you are a Digital marketing freelancer, entrepreneur, marketing executive, marketing agency owner for just someone one who wants to learn marketing. This article is just for you.

Thanks to my mentor Digital deepak and his internship program that helped me clear my path on this journey that made me look at marketing and learn it in a more practical, conceptual and fun way. The information I will be sharing with you today are my learnings with him.

Marketing is science and not art.

Today in this article you will learn a lot of interesting marketing concepts like integrated digital marketing, CATT marketing funnel, economics in marketing, marketing fundamentals, branding and much more.

This article will give a birdview to marketing and set a clear path for you to a successful digital marketing plan.

Are you excited to discover marketing in a new way?? Let's get started.

The building is never built strong without a good Foundation Similarly let us first build the foundation with fundamentals of marketing .

Fundamentals of Marketing.

If you think marketing is all about advertising your product and selling it. Sorry but you are absolutely wrong.

Marketing starts even before the product is ready with market research and goes on even after the product is sold to the customer.

In the market research it is very important to understand the customer and their needs that leads to creating a product that is a good fit. After the product is sold to the customer marketing is done to maintain a good customer relationship and turn a one-time customer into a lifetime customer.

The key to successful marketing is delivering the right message to the right person and at the right time. This is where the whole marketing revolves around.

Most people think marketing and selling are the same but These two concepts are absolutely different. Selling is more concentrated on giving the product and converting it into cash whereas marketing is more focused towards satisfying customers needs. Selling is an immediate action but marketing is an ongoing process.

Advertising, sales, copywriting are all individual concepts of marketing but not marketing itself.

For any company it is very important to have a very good product that fulfills the need and adds value to the customer and of good quality. When a good product is built marketing plays an important role in helping your target audience to discover your product and build a good perception about your product.

Now as you have learned about the basics of marketing let's move on on to the next important topic in marketing that is branding.

Building a brand is wonderful.

And by brand I just don't mean the name or the logo.

Why is branding so important and how is it beneficial for the business you will learn it now.

Branding helps your customers build a perception about you. Branding can be built through advertising, packaging experience Pricing etc.

Branding helps a company position itself in a particular way in the minds of the customers. this helps them in fighting the competition and also helps the companies to build their strategy and also it adds to the Goodwill of the company.

Branding of a company has taken a turn towards personal branding.

Personal branding is more effective today in 2020 than the branding of the company. Today people like to hear from people and not from a logo or just a name. Personal branding helps in connecting with your customers on a more personal note and it builds trust with the customers like never before.

Here are a few points to keep in mind when you are building a brand

A brand can be built easily when you are a leader in the market. That means you are the first one to enter a market that is never been tapped before.

When there is too much competition in a particular category then branding becomes very difficult.

Major success lies when you discover in which market to compete.

If you enter a competitive market you have to keep in mind to have a unique angle and not do the same thing as others.

If you are not the leader in the category choose a subcategory and be a leader in it.

Example : SEO expert for e-commerce, Facebook ads expert for dentists etc.

Best example for branding today in terms of digital marketing are the social media influencers companies are driving sales through influencers as people tend to connect with people they trust and will be willing to buy the products they would recommend compared to a TV commercial.

So as of now that you have got an idea about branding it's important to know that branding cannot happen all by itself. For effective branding it requires an effective communication which brings us to our next topic that is communication in marketing.

Communication in marketing

Good marketing is all about good communication.

Advertising, Branding, Sales the success of all other concepts of marketing is solely dependent on effective communication.

Your customers will perceive you in a way your marketing has been understood by them.

It is important you make sure your customers are getting the right message that you want to deliver and should not misunderstand the concept.

Few important points to keep in mind for effective communication are.

Ask yourself, am I able to effectively transfer my thoughts to the customers?

If not,

Your ads, blogs etc should be simple to understand

Join the conversation and dont start new. That is talk about things that they are already thinking and give them a solution but do not start a new conversation.

You should be able to connect to your customers and solve their problem.

Catch the attention of your audience in the first 5 secs. The communication in the first 5 seconds should be catchy and attractive.

Till now you have understood marketing concepts, branding and how to effectively communicate it to your customers but have you ever thought how has marketing evolved from so many years and what kind of marketing will really suit your business?

Marketing can be broadly divided into Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing.

In our next topic we will understand more about these two marketing methods and its differences.

Traditional Marketing V/s Digital Marketing

Traditional marketing refers to the kind of marketing that is done offline like. print, broadcast, direct mail, phone, outdoor advertising like billboards, advertising in newspapers and radios.

Digital marketing is marketing that is done online like paid social media ads, email marketing, and PPC advertising.

Traditional marketing is the oldest form of marketing that is going on from many years and is present even today but along with the changing environment increase in technology and digitalisation has given birth to digital marketing.

The few drawbacks of traditional marketing have been fulfilled by digital marketing.

Traditional marketing is more about mass advertising whereas digital marketing can be done on a more personalised level.

Is Traditional marketing completely dead???

Nope traditional marketing is not dead. Still there are many companies who adopt traditional marketing along with digital marketing.

Now you may ask. Priyanka, if traditional marketing is also used today then how should I know which method of marketing am I supposed to adopt for my business? To clear this doubt of yours here I have a few pointers you can go through.

If your product is a more generic product like clothes, washing powder etc whose target audience is huge then you can adopt a traditional marketing like TV Commercials that are very much effective even today.

If your audience is a niche specific and need more personalisation like interior design you can adopt digital marketing.

In many cases you can mix both the marketing methods and get effective results like an ecommerce store

Example: Amazon.

So now that you have decided the method of marketing to adopt. You also need to have the right framework for its effective execution.

Let us now learn about the CATT Funnel that is going to execute your marketing plans effectively and help you achieve your goals.

CATT Marketing Funnel & Framework

Formula : Wealth= n ^ CATT

n= Niche

C= Content, A= Attention, T= Trust, T= Transaction.

Content- Content is a stage where your audience will get attracted to you. Content includes your blog posts, videos, lead magnets, webinars etc.

The content you provide to your audience should either be adding value to them or entertain them.

Whatever kind of content you would choose would attract the audience.

Content is a place where you can be very creative.

Experiment with different kind of content and adopt the one that works for you.

Attention - Initially our goal should be to capture the attention of the audience and not directly sell.

Attention can we drawn towards you by generating attractive content and through different channels and methods like SEO, Social media, E-mail marketing, Paid ads, referrals etc

Trust - Once you draw attention it is important that the audience should trust you. Believe in you and your brand. This can be done through trip wires, marketing automation and retargeting.

Transaction : All the trust that you have built in your audience this is a time for it to pay off. The leads convert into sales in this stage.

Following this framework is enough for your marketing plan to be successfully executed.

All your audience together will not be on the same stage but they will be in different stages some might be in attention while some might be doing transactions with you. It is a continuous process.

The marketing is a whole ecosystem in itself and only one method of marketing never brings good results.

For Example : Only Social media Marketing or Only SEO will not give a company desired results.

The marketer must adopt right approach for the CATT Framework to be effective. A Holistic approach. That is our Final topic.

The Integrated Digital Marketing.

The integrated marketing approach an approach that everyone must adopt to really achieve the goals that they have set for themselves.

The Traditional marketing was more liner in form. Create Content, advertise and transact.

Whereas the digital marketing is more complex and it is not liner but an ecosystem in itself.

All the marketing methods go together and support each other. It cannot survive individually.

Refer the image. For better understanding.

The Integrated marketing approach boosts the overall effectiveness of E-mail marketing, paid ads, social media, marketing etc.

After all the concepts, frameworks and the approach are clear in your mind. Let us talk a little about how you are going to use this knowledge and build your career in digital marketing. I'll take you through various stages. This journey is known as the Masstrust BluePrint by Digital Deepak.

Masstrust BluePrint

The various stages in Masstrust BluePrint are Learn, Work, Blog, Consult, Mentor, startup.

Let's learn a little more on each step.

Learn - learning is the beginning of any journey. You need to learn a skill in order to increase your knowledge and become good at the topic you choose.

This skill you will be delivering as a service that will transact to your earnings.

Work- The next step of what you learn is to use the knowledge that you have gained and apply it practically. In this stage you can work on freelance projects, get a job or do a project of your own.

Blog - There is no better feeling than to share the knowledge and experience that you have to others who want to learn about it and blogging and sharing your knowledge on social media are the best ways to do it.

This will also help you in building credibility for yourself and prepare you for the next stage.

Consult - When you are blogging and sharing your experience and knowledge out in the world it shows to people that you are capable of giving them a consultation. Youcan offer your consultation services to clients at this stage. Do an audit, build strategies etc and charge for it. You can do one-to-one consulting.

Mentor - Mentoring is a stage when you are considered as an expert and people will be wanting to learn from you and want your guidance. This is a stage were you can build Online course and teach people. You can also do group coaching and can help others in building there career.

Startup - After you have trained, Mentored and consulted so many people you will have reached the highest level of experience and you will have enough work to handle the expenses that would incur for a startup. This stage you will have many projects coming your way as you have built a brand for yourself and you will be capable of hiring people giving them salaries and build your own agency.

If you have to become a successful digital Marketer you will have to go through this journey and there is no shortcut to it. This is a plan for long term.

Every successful person today will have gone through this journey and if anyone doesn't go through it might see a short term success but a failure in the long term.

To Conclude

Learning marketing and effective execution of marketing plans makes a business very successful and every entrepreneur is important to be a marketer and it is not possible to outsource the whole marketing to others.

Marketing is one such thing that will give most ROI compared to other operations in business so it's important to get it right.

The concepts, the CATT framework, the method of marketing and the approach of marketing if all these are followed properly I assure you. You will be able to reach your marketing goals and the final Masstrust BluePrint is going to make you a successful digital Marketer.

If this article has added value to you today. Let me know in the comments below.

Also if you are interested in learning more about personal branding, you can learn regarding personal branding mistakes to avoid here.


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